Bits of me here and there.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Do Not Expect

You know, I mostly write these words in everywhere. Everywhere I can see this.

In terms of liking/loving someone, it's not always going right. Kadang, lo bakal ngerasain apa yang namanya bertepuk sebelah tangan. Dan sejujurnya, dan pastinya juga, itu ga enak.
Since I got a trauma of loving someone, I always tell myself, do not expect, do not. And I always set a point, where I have to stop if it's not going well.
Mungkin emang susah, berhenti berusaha, ketika lo tau itu satu-satunya yang lo inginkan untuk terjadi. Mungkin susah, to tell yourself to stop, when you know there will always be the chance. Tapi balik lagi ke kalimat terakhir, just believe.
I had few conversations last night. Ada salah satu kalimat yang gue sendiri heran kenapa bisa gue keluarin. Kecewa itu boleh, tapi nyesel jangan. Percayalah, sekecewa apapun elo, selalu ada pembelajaran yang bisa kita dapet dari situ.

Finally posting something for March! :D