Bits of me here and there.

Monday 22 February 2016

Quick Thought: Am I Getting Cynical

First of all, it is 2 am and I just ranted in my Twitter - something I haven't done in a long long way, considering nobody is in Twitter anymore anyway.
I just had finished scrolling through my Facebook timeline, which mostly resulting in me unfollowing some people (because unfriend is too harsh and don't make any more drama), but this time, I tried to read every people's thoughts through their status or whatever, and it just got me more depressed than over.
It's just, maybe I don't fit in anymore. It's like everyone in there trying to shove their thoughts and opionions over others' throat, which is actually the most uselesa things ever??? Is it just me or people forgetting the idea of 'let's just agree to disagree'?
I hate to see that it feels like a sin to have different opinion from the majority. You will get attacked from every side if you are voicing your opinion, which maybe happen to be different from others'. I feel like that is what causing the silence in young generations, because the moment they open their mouth, the internet will just throw the hate to them. Or it is at least happened to me.
Then, I get cynical. I feel like I don't matter, because I might be different. Because actually, getting hate is not a pleasant feeling. Not everybody was buily strong.
So I decide I don't care. Whatever happened, as long as it doesn't affect me, I wont care and I wont give a damn about that. And I might be not alone on this, which might be a good thing, because it means less drama in society.
Well, anything I said above might be looked like I give no attention to life, but here's the thing: I believe everyone should be free to be themselves, as long as it doesn't affect others. It doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect you, then why should you be the one to drag people down? Don't you have a better thing to do?

Okay this post might sound meaningless, but truly, I am so tired with every negativity on my social media. I wish I had followed the right people, but what is right anyway? Opinions are neither right nor wrong, fact is.
1 comment on "Quick Thought: Am I Getting Cynical"
  1. samaaa, aku juga males banget kalau ngelihat status di timeline yang berisi kebencian. Meski teman aku akan unfollow orang yang menurut aku kata-katanya nggak pantas untuk dipajang di sosmed.

    Salam kenal :)
